Marriots Gate, Lutton, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE12 9HN Tel: 01406 363 392 Email

Lutton St Nicholas Primary AcademyThe School Day

Parents have a responsibility to ensure that their children attend school each day and arrive on time. Punctuality is vital to the smooth running of the school and ensures lessons start promptly.

The school hours are:

8:30 - 8:40am Gate is open for pupils to enter school
8.40am Morning Register
10:15am - Break time
12:00pm - Lunch time
3.20pm - End of school day

Total school hours per week - 33 hours 20 minutes

Start and end of the day

Children may come into the playground after 8.30am, when staff supervision is provided.

Registration is at 8.40am. Pupils arriving later than these times are marked 'late' in the register. There may be occasions when arriving late is unavoidable and we will endeavour to support any parent having difficulties with prompt attendance.

Parents may wait in the designated playground area, at the end of the school day. In the event of unforeseen problems (e.g. car breakdowns) parents are asked to telephone the school, and arrangements will be made to supervise the children until they can be collected.

Breaktime Snacks

Children in Class 1 are offered a piece of fruit each morning free of charge. This is part of the Government's National Fruit Scheme and is very popular with the children. Parents do have the right to withdraw their child by discussion with the Headteacher.

Children in Classes 3 and 4 are encouraged to bring a piece of fruit from home. Children are encouraged to eat healthily and not to bring sweets to school.


Parents should notify the School Office, in advance whenever possible, if their child has a medical or dental appointment.

If a child is ill please phone the Office on 01406 363392 before 9am (amessaging service is available), so the register can be marked accordingly and we know that your child is not missing.

Investigations into the whereabouts of a child not accounted for will be made.

Getting to school

School Transport

If your child is between reception and year 11, they may be eligible for free school transport if they:

  • live in Lincolnshire
  • attend a school within the designated transport area* (DTA) for their home address
  • attend a school nearer to their home address than the DTA school
  • attend a school we allocate because there were no places in nearer schools
  • and, live:
    • more than two miles away (primary school)
    • more than three miles away (secondary school)

Further information and guidance as well as application forms can be accessed on the Lincolnshire County Council website


Please park with care. Drivers of vehicles are reminded that they should not park at, or within, 10 metres of a road junction, and should not obstruct private driveways.

Drivers are also reminded that stopping on 'zigzag, keep clear' lines is unlawful at any time when the children might be accessing the school. The lined area is laid down for the safety of the children.


Parents must take full responsibility for children who cycle to school. Children leaving cycles at school are expected to wear cycle helmets, in line with advice from the Road Safety Officer, who visits school to give talks to the children. Cycle helmets may be kept in school during the day.

'Bikewise' cycling proficiency training is offered to all Year 6 children as part of the wider PE curriculum. Bicycles can be kept in the cycle shelter during the day.

Cycles are left at the owner's risk and parents are advised to provide a padlock. Cyclists must enter and leave school through the playground entrance, but may not ride their bikes on the school site.