Marriots Gate, Lutton, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE12 9HN Tel: 01406 363 392 Email

Lutton St Nicholas Primary AcademyOur School Uniform

We believe that wearing a school uniform helps children identify with and take pride in their school.

Book Bags are presented to each child free of charge on entry to school.

An overview of our uniform can be found in our Uniform Policy.

You can order our school uniform from the School Trends website.

Health and safety: 

If a child has pierced ears, they should wear a plain studded earring, not a hoop or drop earring.  Children with pierced ears must remove earrings before a P.E. lesson.  If they cannot do this for themselves, a parent must do it before the start of the school day.  No other piercings are allowed.  Bracelets and bangles are not allowed.  A necklace may be worn for religious reasons only.