Lutton St Nicholas Primary Academy

At Lutton St Nicholas Primary Academy, the teaching of writing is of paramount importance. Writing involves multiple skills to be used simultaneously ranging from syntax and vocabulary, to spelling and grammar and finally transcription. Our aim is to ensure each aspect of English is explicitly taught and modelled regularly to pupils so that they can become able and articulate writers. Through our text-rich environment, pupils are encouraged to draw upon their reading in order to aid their cohesion and their vocabulary choices by analysing a text to understand authorial intent and style.

To ensure pupils are taught a range of different genres, both fiction and non-fiction, we have developed long term plans that provide pupils with a range of text types which are then matched to appropriate texts or visual stimuli. To develop pupils’ understanding of English, we follow the 10-day writing cycle, which provides a framework that structures the teaching of English providing pupils with the time to explore a text, become confident in sequencing events and ideas and tackle key areas of grammar.

Alongside this we utilise Active English and Active Spelling which provides a clear framework for teaching pupils key punctuation, grammar and spelling rules.