SEND is Special Educational Needs and Disability. A child with SEND is understood to have either a learning difficulty or a disability and the child requires special educational provision which is additional to and different from that generally made for other children of the same age within a mainstream school.
The SENCo at our school is Miss Sam Edwards
Telephone: 01406 393392
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school where an appointment can be made or further advice given.
The Graduated Approach is the way early years settings, schools and post-16 providers support children and young people who have Special Educational Needs. The Graduated Approach begins with the expectation that all children receive high-quality teaching. This is called Universal Support. Some children will need support which is additional and different. It will be targeted to meet more specific needs and is called SEN Support.
Access our Graduated Approach overview here: Lutton St Nicholas’ SEND Graduated Approach.
SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SENCo - Special Educational Needs Coordinator
ISP - Individual Support Plan
SALT - Speech and Language Therapist
EP - Educational Psychologist
STT - Specialist Teaching Team
CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
TA - Teaching Assistant
EHCP - Education, Health and Care Plan
The Working Together Team is a National Autistic Society Advanced Status Accredited Service. They advocate best practice and provide specialist support to empower mainstream settings to ensure autistic children & young people thrive through collaborative working with families and professionals.
Find out more: WTT Information Flyer
Following on from the parent workshops held with Dr Lise Griffiths, below are the links to the recordings of the workshops:
Thursday 18th May: LPS Parenting Workshop - Managing Challenging Behaviour After School
Thursday 22nd June: Understanding and Managing Sensory Needs and Challenges
Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum offer free workshops if you are a parent, grandparent, carer, relative or friend of a child/adult with special needs or a disability.
The latest news from LPCF can be found here: LPCF November Newsletter
Click on the following link for Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum Week of SEND 2025 information:
Lincolnshire Behaviour Outreach Support Service (BOSS) is commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council. They primarily work with Lincolnshire mainstream schools and academies to support pupils displaying distressed behaviour that is compromising their learning, school attendance, and/or the learning of their peers, and who are at risk of exclusion.
Please click on the logos below to access more support and information:
Calibre Audio provides a fantastic collection of over 15,000 audiobooks for people in the UK living with a print disability to borrow for free. Every day we send out 1,500 books to our members.
Find out more on the Calibre Audio website